Items where Subject is "LB2300 Higher Education"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (324)
- L Education (24)
- LB Theory and practice of education (5)
- LB2300 Higher Education (3)
- LB Theory and practice of education (5)
- L Education (24)
Prastyawati, Irine Yunila and Kurniawaty, Yuni (2022) Penggunaan Digital Learning Materials (DLMs) terhadap tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa keperawatan tentang keterampilan rawat luka pada masa pandemik Covid-19. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Katolik St. Vincentius a Paulo Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Suhariyanto, Yosi Slamet (2024) PENGARUH PENYULUHAN KESEHATAN TERHADAP TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN (TAHU) REMAJA MENGENAI SLEEP HYGIENE (Penelitian di SMA Katolik Stella Maris Surabaya ). S1 thesis, Stikes Katolik St. Vincentius a Paulo Surabaya.
Vanniaretta, Andgie (2024) GAMBARAN PERILAKU PHUBBING PADA REMAJA DI SMA KATOLIK STELLA MARIS SURABAYA. S1 thesis, STIKES Katolik St. Vincentius a Paulo Surabaya.